Being back here has its merits (fresh air, mountains, forests, ocean, and especially the total absence of chavs) but I miss all of my international friends. I didn't make a post regarding the final trip to London we all went to and I probably should have, but I'll put the photos on this entry. I suppose I will see everyone again next time I decide to make a venture out to Europe and make a tour of all the countries I didn't see, but that's probably a while off. Bhutan looms ever closer as the next undertaking of Colin Groves and unfortunately the border of Europe and Asia is nowhere near Bhutan. France, sadly, is much farther away. But here are the photos from times when I was too lazy to put stuff down. Pay special attention to the video of Anton from Bulgaria being assembled into a pose with action-pose-performer-with-sunglasses in London. Stay tuned for the Bhutan blog. 
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