Italy was definitely far superior to England in pretty much every way. Maybe it was the hot weather. Actually yes, the hot weather definitely accounted for the vast majority of this. The effects of England's foul winter (see photo to the right) were partially undone with the warm breezy climate and Renaissance architecture. A piece of my cold, bitter soul was thawed in the vibrance of the Tuscan atmosphere. I could go on but it would be a bit much. In summary, Italy is generally warmer than England. The beers are definitely nothing special though, to be fair. See Belgium.
I was travelling with Lucie and Gabriela the Czechs and Vika the Latvian. They were good company. Trying to read a novel in Czech out loud entertained both me and the girls for a good few minutes. They have syllables that only mythical creatures or people with severe palate deformities can pronounce. Imagine rolling a J, and while doing that, spewing blood from the roof of your mouth like some sort of spiny desert lizard, and you get an idea of what some of these noises sound like. Also, more or less every second letter has an accent on it.
We stayed in a hostel in Pisa which was lovely; we saw the leaning tower from our balcony as we ate our brekkies. There was a massive thunderstorm the first day, but the next day in Florence was balmy and hot. The statue of David is by far the most impressive thing I have ever seen to date, I was stunned at a) how large the statue actually is and b) the detail on that thing. It was a work of art, so to speak. Important landmark to the Renaissance, too, from what I've gathered.
We got an excellent view of the Alps on the way back, to boot. AND this time, I didn't get robbed. Total holiday satisfaction = 100%. My camera had an irritating piece of grit stuck in the lens so the majority of the photos are Gabriela's, but her camera is better than mine so it's no big deal.

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