Jean from South Korea was back home and so her parents were extremely kind in letting me stay over at their house in Donegal for a little while. Most of this trip was spent in the pub, I won't lie, but the atmosphere of pubs and the friendliness and generosity of Irish people in general was something I won't forget.
New Year's Eve was spent in Belfast with some of Jean's good friends from university. We were at a well-known pub called Laverys, which was very warm and inviting. Unfortunately, the majority of Jean's friends were smokers and so we spent the entire night shuddering outside in our winter coats and staring longingly at the warm dancefloor just inside. Well, I did anyway.
Sleeping in a deathly cold Irish student house with no heating on a dark, miserable and icy New Year's Eve was interesting enough, but not something I hope to repeat again. I wasn't properly warm until the train home from Liverpool.
Despite the crappy weather, I'll have you know that Guinness is so much better in Ireland, but you probably already knew that. It takes forever to pour when it's done properly though. Jean's dad ordered us a couple pints at Jacksons and then took me on a 15-minute tour of the old hotel the pub was located in while we waited for it to settle. It was just about ready when we got back.